Thursday, November 28, 2019

Channeling #4 - My Path - with Amelia

I came down with a bad cold last weekend and have been mostly in bed for several days now. Fortunately, I feel better today -- Thanksgiving Day. I have been listening to a lot of channeled messages lately, from Kryon (Lee Carrol), The Group (Steve Rother), and others (The Kevin Moore Show). As I lay sick in bed, I did a search on "how to channel" and I ended up taking a couple of channeling classes (one free on YouTube and one for a Black Friday price of $9.99 on 

On my second channeling attempt I had a long conversation inside my head with "Joshua". On my third attempt, Joshua spoke through my voice, but I did not record it, so I had to try to remember what he said. 

Below is the transcripts from my 4th attempt at channeling. Note that my cold has been pretty bad throughout these attempts.

27 November 2019 - 6pm (lasted about ~20 minutes) with Amelia - My/All Paths 

(I still have a bad cold, and I think this channeling made it worse. I did not ask any questions. Instead, Amelia just started talking about a minute or less after I did my altar routine. At certain parts, especially when she got excited, I started swaying as I attuned to her energy. I turned on my phone recorder as soon as I felt someone was going to come through, but the location next to me was bad, so I could not make some passages. I will fix this next time.) 

(parentheses indicates text that I added that was not there originally, such as the paragraph above)
[brackets indicates my attempt to interpret audio that was unclear, sometimes I just state "unclear"]

"You still need to clear your mind so I can come through. My name is Amelia. I am a friend of Josh, I work with Josh. Sometimes (in the past) you thought that I was Amy, but actually, the being you thought was Amy is actually a whole series of female entities within your being who work your female side, which you have been many times in your parallel (past and future) personalities. We think that is probably somewhat evident to you, as you tap more into those feminine intuitions. At least they are considered feminine in your current reality, in the belief systems in your current reality, that places greater value on the scientific masculine, and less value on the intuitive feminine. But you already know that. What you are seeking is in fact the more feminine.

It (the feminine side) has always been there, and was one of the reasons for your life struggles in your teenage years, because you had that presence, and yet in those years, in those years where the samsara - mirage - of your waking dream reality, as you call it, is so strong, because your self is still developing and in [that time of] your [life] you are required [to learn about physical reality] - not necessarily required, but, you agreed to come into that [reality] easily and fully, completely. That is why most of you erase all memories of your lives that brought you to this life, what you call past lives, but they can also be future lives, that influenced the decision to be born into this particular existence. It is because you wanted to play the game so much, you wanted to get the most that you can out of this life. And that is true of every being on this planet. That's true for every entity on this planet. That is true for every animal and plant, every part of every animal and plant. That's true for every cell and every atom in this reality. It is was Seth calls "value fulfillment". [They] are seeking the highest value fulfillment, the highest experience that is possible in this waking reality. That is why you, and others like you, have this desire to awaken, to realize that, because that is one of the highest [levels] of consciousness in this reality.

As you know, there are many stages, many forms, of enlightenment, and while some are called higher and some lower  or more basic, really from the perspective of Source, your larger being, your Soul, there is no actual difference because they each offer a unique perspective, a different perspective, a different way of understanding reality, of understanding [unclear - a complex world] [unclear] in the [framework of a] time-space experience -- the experience of having different parts of you come forward in an apparently linear manner. Each of those experiences is of extreme value to yourself, to your soul, who [is what?] you are in this existence. Each of those experiences must be cherished and embraced, integrated into who you are in this reality, in this time-space reality.

Of course, you know that time and space are illusions. They are something that you created that you [use] in this physical waking dream reality, [they are something] which you have agreed to experience, have agreed to the rules of time and space, [that is part of being in a reality] with these rules of the game. But as long as you are here, you want to obey those rules. You [want or need?] to use those rules to come back to Source, and to integrate your inner self, your bigger inner self, with who you really are, to integrate that with this waking dream reality. That is the goal, that is the ultimate reason for being.

You have read that Source, All That Is, had no other, could not know itself because there was nothing else to know. It then had the first inkling, the first thought, "I Am". The only way that could have happened is for it (Source) to split, into a duality. The first duality, which your scientists call the Big Bang, but it really wasn't a big bang, it was very subtle. From that first duality came a second, and a third and a fourth and a fifth, until the universe as you know was created. All is a fragment, holograph, fractal, a [reflection] of All That Is. And all of us, even those of us who are guides, your guides, even those of us who are higher or more integrated than the guides who you are talking to the most in this channel, all of them, all the way back to Source itself, have one goal: to re-integrate, to bring the pieces back. That is the aim.

Fragmentation and integration, fragmentation and integration. Fragmentation to experience diversity - to experience the wonders of this physical dream reality that you live in (referring to the third dimension). It is so different, than almost any other reality, almost than any other dimension. Granted there are many different realities in your dimension, so we should be [calling these] dimensions. This dimension is so different from the first, second, fourth, fifth, and other dimensions. It is the dimension where fragmentation reaches its climax - the ultimate (of that type of ) experience. It is that dimension where the diverse wonders of creation, wonders of all the things, all the [people], the amazing diverse options [appear] in so many different ways.

[There are easier ways to re-integrate.] You could die (for example, and then) go to the fourth dimension and re-integrate in that way. [As you go to higher dimensions, you move closer to re-integrate with source, and it may be easier.] In the 11th dimension, the last one, the fragmentation completely disappears as 'All That Is' is a oneness. So you could do that. [unclear - There was something about how different channels talk about 11, 12 and 13 dimensions, but Amelia said those differences are unimportant because it is all a continuum that can be divided in many ways.] [unclear] and achieve enlightenment. [unclear] However, to experience integration in the third dimension is a wonder that beings throughout the fragmented realities of All That Is find fascinating -- how humans, and not just humans but other beings, animals, plants, rocks -- how entities are [in their own ways] able to reach very high levels of integration that are very similar in fact to the fourth dimension, but in the third dimension right here. [Many], well its not real big, but a number of human beings on this planet have already entered into the fourth dimension, while maintaining their grounded physical bodies and consciousness in the third dimension. This is when you start experiencing bliss, levels of bliss consciousness.

Maharishi talks about levels of bliss (or cosmic) consciousness, god consciousness, unity consciousness. That is why those are the ultimate goals that one can seek out. (However), there is nothing that says you have to seek these. There are many other ways to integrate. Integration can be very small, by simply forgiving someone. [unclear - integrating something that you have been pushing away, perhaps?] It may seem like a small integration, but it could have major impacts on other parallel selves [in different realities]. So there are no small integrations. There are just different [experiences] by different people.

Small integrations, big integrations, people are driven by different goals for themselves. Part of that is karmic, with different goals. You were told (by a jyotish/vedic astrologer) that this is (likely to be) your last incarnation, your last physical presence in waking dream reality, because you had experienced many others (incarnations). When looked at from a timeline (perspective), you have experienced many incarnation in the past in which you had a spiritual path and in which you mastered many skills that come together at this time. Or you can think of this as a non-time [incarnation] in which all these paths exist at this (one point in) time. [unclear - in fact all of your parallel and different dimensional personalities] are doing this together, in their own realities, in our own dimensions. We are all experiencing this rush [to awakening/integration]. [unclear - We each contribute to the expansion of each other and to the expansion of our higher/inner/soul self.] When it seem like synchronicities are occurring [they are actually incidents] that are created by other parallel selves in other dimensions, or in this dimension in other time and space realities.

[That is how it works. That is how this works.] That is your path.

I think that is enough. Hopefully the recording worked. We appreciate [this connection]. We love you. {I love you.}

(Comment 1: As interesting as this was, I feel like I already know all this. There is nothing really "new" in what was said. As such, I felt like I was simply talking to myself -- which is probably because my goal was to channel my inner self. I have heard that channeling can start out this way for some people, and only after some time do they start channeling higher dimensional beings who have information beyond themselves. I guess time will tell.
Comment 2: Channeling feels a lot like being in a lucid dream, to me. Except that I personally, and with limited experience, find it easier to do than lucid dreaming, which is more hit and miss when I intentionally try to do it.)

A Lucid Dream to Mars -- thanks to Jet-Lag

Monday, Sept 2nd at 1:31am - I had returned from a 10 day trip to China the previous Thursday night and was still feeling jet-lag. I woke up at 11pm and recorded a dream and then went back to sleep. I was kind of awake so I tried to re-enter that dream I had recorded, which was in the city I was at in China. 

I went back to the street I was staying on and there I meet Josh, one of my inner guides. I  ask him where Emily was, who is my other guide. She appeared and said she was now Alita, after the robot girl in the movie I saw on the plane: Alita Battle Angel (I saw it 3 times on other people's screens while I was working on my computer). 

I asked them how I am doing which they thought was a silly question because they said that I knew the answer. They especially were pleased that I chose to return a call to my yoga studio about my playing my gongs for a restorative yoga class. This was a good move, they said. 

I decided not to ask about ailments this time but to follow my "Moon + Mars" lucid dream plan instead. I went to the Moon and saw many people there and offered to help one of them. She asked me where she was and I explained that she had died and how the Moon is a popular choice for many newly deceased and that she was now in a dream-like state where whatever she wished for would instantly appear. She wished for some fast-food and drinks and got more than she needed then wished them away. I told her to practice that and that someone else will soon come to help her to the next stage.

I then went to Mars where I was introduced to the multidimensional nature of that planet. We know the red planet as an empty 3rd dimensional reality. But it is mostly used by the inhabitants from other dimensions as a vacation destination. The 'tourists' I met mostly live in the 4th dimensions in which there are several Mars of different colors and color combinations, which I was shown. They mostly work on developing themselves on creating realities so they can advance into the 5th and 6th dimensions. However they are having a good time in 4th dimension so that development is slow. They also told me that Mars and Earth occupy the same 'space' in the 4th and higher dimensions, so it is very easy to change one's vibration to come to Mars and to visit its different forms. I briefly tried this with some success.

Because the people/beings I met are mostly based in the 4th dimension, they can materialize their thoughts and suggest that I try this. At first I think of sex but quickly decide that love, self love, is what I really wanted, so I fill my being with the vibration of love. I thanked my Mars hosts (who might be Josh and Alita now) as I decide to wake up and record all this before it becomes too much to remember. Through this lucid dream I was partially aware of my sleeping body and bedroom, which is why I call it lucid imagining.

(I found this in my "drafts" on Thanksgiving Day, which is why it is being posted long after I had had the dream and written it up.)