Saturday, March 21, 2020

Travel as a Spiritual Experience in Hawai'i - Channeling Ali'i Kai

Channeling of Ali'i Kai on 14 March 2020

– Recorded on the Hale’iwa Ali'i Beach, on Oahu's North Shore

(Unfortunately, due to wind noise the audio for a good part of this channeling is not good enough to post online. This was recorded about a week before most of the US, including Hawai'i, was shut down by the covid-19 pandemic. Things were developing very rapidly, however.)

Hello, Alan. Welcome to Hawaii.

This is a special place. Because it is so far from the mainlands that are on the edges of this single most important and largest entity on the planet Earth, the Pacific Ocean.

This presents spot is not quite in the center, but close to the upper left side, kind of like where the heart is located in the human body. That is where Hawaii is in this ocean. And just as the heart has that special meaning in the human body, so does Hawaii. People come here because they know that this is a unique place.

The land is very diverse on the different islands, each island has its own personality. The land is also very powerful on each of the islands. Together they form this complex and complete family of environment and culture -- physical reality as well as the spiritual realities. They all come together in a very powerful way here in Hawaii.

This is similar to, of course, many other places on the mainlands that surround Pacific Ocean. But different, as well, because it is the ocean that these physical landforms represent – they are manifestations of the ocean.

The ocean itself is an entity with consciousness, with intention, with reasons for doing what it does. It has an internal organizational structure within physical time-space reality. It is as Gaia is, which is a self-organizing principle for the entire planet. The ocean itself has its own self-guiding principles and organization that contribute to the entire planet. It contributes to and interact with humans, as well as all of the animals that are in any way connected to the ocean -- which means pretty much most all of the animals that are in the ocean and in the land areas surrounding the ocean.

So, when you're in this place, you have access to that type of power. People come here to appreciate, to learn, and to experience that full range of physical reality that is associated with the ocean, with the Pacific Ocean in particular, as well as the spiritual reality that is associated with this ocean. Most humans, when they come here for a visit, do not have that spiritual reality in their consciousness, but they are still experiencing it. They are getting to know it to some degree -- to varying degrees -- in one way or another.

As you have speculated in the past, this is one of the reasons why travel and tourism exists. It is so that people can, as humans, go to other places and experience the spiritual reality of those places. They are driven by the physical reality -- by that external experience that is sold through the travel and tourism industry. And they are driven by motivations for leisure and recreation, which are superficial motivations. But they are superficial only in a sense that people are disconnected from the deeper meanings of those experiences.

Now, sometimes, this is discussed in the tourism studies literature that you are familiar, with things like “liminal experiences” and “transformational experiences”. But for the most part, most of the people who travel are not aware that there are these deeper meanings to the travel experience. However, that does not mean that they do not experience those deeper meanings.

Those deeper meanings come out of experiences in any place and at any time. No matter what that experience is, whether the experience is interpreted as being good (positive and loving) or as being bad (negative or hurtful). All those experiences have a spiritually corresponding activation of some kind.

So, even though you and other humans are experiencing these on a superficial surface level, it not superficial in that they are not meaningful. They are still quite meaningful, but you may only be experiencing them on that physical reality level. They still reach deep down into a more spiritual and more multi-dimensional level of your existence and of your being -- that which most people are not aware of.

However, that is not a problem because over time they will evolve. (Of course “time”, as we often need to emphasize, does not really exist. Everything exists in the moment, and time is simply an expansion of beliefs into the future and into the past. For now, though, we are setting aside that idea and talking about this in terms of physical time-space reality “time”.)

People will evolve their inner being over time. Their inner consciousness will expand. And this is happening very rapidly these days. It has been happening rapidly for quite a while. (As your Joshua group has told you. We, the spirit guides here in Hawaii, are very familiar with your Joshua group. We have some overlaps with them. But we, of course, are existing in a very separate time-space location on your planet. We are exhibiting more of the properties and values of this particular time-place called Hawaii.)

Going back to what I was saying, people do evolve over time and gradually expand their consciousness. That consciousness expansion is happening extremely rapidly for people here in the year 2020, as you have been told previously, because this is the time for that expansion on the planet Earth.

Humans are part of that. It is totally beyond their full comprehension, as well as totally beyond their control, as to exactly how this is going to take place. What you see on the television and in the news articles that you read, that is really the human ego level of interpretation. At that human level, the best they can do is to simply respond. That is basically what they are doing.

Nobody really know exactly what is going on. They are doing their best to try to come up with solutions using traditional methods. And to some degree, those will have somewhat of an impact. But it is really a retroactive response; “We see this, and this is how we responded in the past, using models of the past, and this is how we are going to respond now.” Even though, it is somewhat unprecedented in how all this [virus pandemic] is taking place.

The planet is changing. People are opening up, becoming more aware, very rapidly. Almost every day that opening takes place at a greater level. And that opening is really what awakening, the planetary awakening, is all about.

That opening involves becoming aware that the human ego is not in absolute control. The human ego is a partner in all of this and has to recognize the greater, deeper, spiritual motivations and structural organizations of the planet – of things like the oceans – of the entire planet Gaia, and what Gaia is going through in the decision by to planet to achieve awakening.

Thinking of Hawaii as the heart of the ocean. How then, can someone experience that as a visitor who is interest coming to this land, this is small but significant land mass in the middle of the ocean?
To make the most of that type of a visit, of that type of travel experience, one needs to find space, to find times-space, within themselves, within their visiting time period, to open their heart and mind to the connection that is taking place through their very presence on the islands.

This involves an expansion of one’s awareness, which is done in a different way for each individual. By doing so, however, the experience is more meaningful and significant, and is more deeply ingrained, or perhaps just more ingrained in general, in the waking physical reality of the individual’s ego.

It is a matter of going beyond the ego, however. This can be done through meditation. But the meditation should have an awareness, an intention, to connect to the ocean, to connect to the depths and the significance of this great being, this great ocean being on the planet.

This great ocean is part of the personality of this planet, of the whole planet. The ocean is a huge part of the planet that most people are not aware of because so much of that ocean entity is hidden from view in the daily experience of most humans, who of course live above the surface of the ocean. The dolphins and whales and fish and other creatures who live in the ocean are much more closely connected to it. In some ways by experiencing [or imagining] their personalities, you can get a better feel for the personality of the ocean overall. So, meditation in this way is one way to achieve this. 

Another way is contemplation, which can be done while lying on a beach, sitting on some rocks, or climbing a mountain. Just sitting and connecting with nature in that sense – it is the connection. It can also be done by actually engaging with the ocean, or engaging with the land of the island. This involves doing some particular activities by which one gets completely absorbed in that activity -- things like snorkeling, swimming, and hiking, with the hopeful expectation, because you can't always force these things, of transcending the self, of transcending the ego.

There are other ways, such as breathwork and a number of different things that one could do. Taking part in ceremonies also has that intention. Traditional ceremonies, for example Hawaiian and Polynesian ceremonies, the really traditional ones, have that goal to connect with that spiritual reality that is always present and is always just as important as the physical reality that you experience.

This is my recommendation, my suggestions, for how you and other people, other tourists, other visitors, can best experience this special unique place of Hawaii.

So, that is our message to you. Keep the faith. Everything is good, everything is meaningful and has purpose.

Until next time – hope you come back to Hawaii soon.

Love you. This is Ali’i Kai.

Aloha. Goodbye.

Note: Ali’i = of Hawaiian royal lineage; Kai = of or near the sea

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Will COVID-9 Lead Us to a Better, more Sustainable World?

Following prompting by a friend, I wrote the following article on MEDIUM a couple of days ago:

How to Create a Better Post-COVID-19 World

Today, I added my two-bits to an email list discussion by tourism studies scholars on what tourism will be like in a post-COVID-19 world. A a couple of interesting points from the discussion, so far...

My point was that (1) it is too early to tell what and when a post-COVID-19 world will emerge, and (2) what it is like will depend on how deep the impacts are, and then how people respond to that depth, when it arrives. While I hate to be a doomsayer, I think the deeper the impacts, the bigger the more the world will be changed by it.

Some people think nothing will change, and that like other crises in the past, people will soon forget and travel and tourism will be back to the way it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. Other see things getting worse, even violent, as greed comes to the foreground during the pandemic, leaving lasting divisions and scars. Still others are like me, hoping that it will be a time of self-reflection and re-connection to our planet, leading to more Earth-friendly values and behaviors -- and thus greater Sustainability.

It is hard to find positive perspectives on the pandemic, as the popular news media are dishing up the scariest stories for their shock and advertisement value. Still, there are both opinion pieces and actual cases of places that are seeing remarkable changes in a very short period of time since the tourists have stopped coming. The best place that I have found for this is the Science and Nonduality (SAND) Conference page in Facebook.

My personal view is that there are multiple timelines that our consciousness, individually and collectively, can follow in the moment of global crisis for humankind (it is not a crisis for other beings on the planet). The timeline path that we end up experiencing, both individually and collectively. will be the one that we put our focus and attention on. So do what you can to ground your consciousness in love for the planet and for your fellow humans, so that the more positive world that we all really want can be made a reality.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Multidimensional Meet-ups with Guidance from Saraswati

On Jan 17th, I have a lucid dream that was closely related to a spiritual meet-up that I hosted at my house on February 2nd.

painting of Saraswati with Sitar and peacock

Dream 3 - 03:40 - Dream Re-entry after last dream. 

After waking up and recording a very clear and interesting dream, I had a fair amount of energy so I decided to try a to re-enter that dream. This is a common technique for lucid dreaming. 

The last dream ended with me in a park and seeing a girl who I kind of knew as a student at the university, but not well, throwing a softball to her sister. In that dream the ball was hit into a pond and I apologized for not trying hard enough to stop it before it went into the water. That was not a problem because the water was very shallow and the girl was able to retrieve it easily.

This time, however, as the ball rolled into the pond I used the Reiki/Wim Hoff* energy from my hands to lift it up and toss it back to the student. She caught the ball and thanked me, after which she suddenly transformed into a giant. She was so big that I could only see her tummy area. She apologized for getting so big and shrinks down to my size saying she needs to adjust her energy to match mine. 

She looks like an angel with wings and introduces herself as Sarasvati. I am confused by the wings and she says that she is also an archangel. She then then shows me that the wings could disappear if I wanted them to, so I make her wings appear and disappear a few times. Then I give her a big and long loving hug thanking her for all she has done for me [that is a different story]. I feel like I am melting into her to become one with her. But I am also hoping this hug will get rid of some remaining cold symptoms that I still had.

She then says that we should fly, but this time she would lead me. (Because usually when I fly with someone else in my lucid dreams, I am leading them.) She took me to a cloud like landscape where other entities were seated in the mist in a kind of large circle. They were all tending to their own affairs and not interacting with me or each other. She says that this was my Joshua Group. She shows me my seat as an equal in the group. 

She says, telepathically, that the meeting that I am hosting at my house on February 2nd will be a meeting of members of my Joshua group. All of those coming to my house are members in some way, some closer to the core and others less so. As we meet in physical reality there we will also be meeting in this 6th dimensional space. In that dimension we will be communicating with our hearts and joining together to create expansion and integration for both the physical reality earth universe and for our corresponding selves in the 6th dimension. 

She said that everyone I personally meet in my physical reality is part of my Joshua Group in some way. Some are more on the edge of my Joshua group and more in the core of other groups of consciousness. People I don't meet are not part of that group but are part of other groups. She wanted to keep this short to keep from overwhelming me with information. But she wanted to encourage me in forming the meeting on Feb 2nd, which is the first meeting of a potential spiritual sangha meet-up group.

* I had recently taken a Wim Hoff breathing workshop and am currently enrolled in an online Reiki class.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Channeling #11 - part 2 - Why Challenges Arise, especially at Christmas, and How to Deal with Them; and Awakening

[The second half of this channeling from Joshua was mostly personal information, although the following edited excerpts from that is of more general application.]

Dealing with Challenges that Arise, especially at Christmas
I [Joshua] said previously [in part 1] about how some people are on a spiritual awakening path and that's part of the reason they came into this particular existence, whereas there are other people who are not really on that particular path. In this particular incarnation that they're experiencing they have a different role that they have chosen for themselves. They have a role in which they want to experience the extremes of existence. And again, this is perfectly fine. There are many other reasons, motivations, that drive how people select what they bring into a particular life.

Now, one of the more complex of those is an illness or disability. People are born and they bring with them -- and they make this decision before they're born -- a disability because there is something that they want to do with that, because they have a role to play [in which that is part of their identity].

Nothing in this physical reality happens by accident. Everything has a purpose. It may be very difficult to see that purpose at times, and it may be a struggle as that purpose works its way out, but everything has that kind of a purpose.
Every person is basically their own universe their own existence. The meanings of any kind of interpersonal interactions for any one of the individuals involved is something that is very much a part of that one individual's existence. It [the meaning] may be assigned to other people, or to other objects. However, it really does not come from those other objects, those other people.

The experience is that of the individual who is having the experience. You and Alan are individuals and you each have your own experience. At this point in time, the experiences you are creating in the world are a direct reflection of something that you and Alan, individually and separately, want to experience, to bring up. Sometimes it is to create a challenge of some type -- and so you create challenges.

Part of the reason challenges arise now has to do with this particular time of the year, this Christmas time of the year. Christmas and the end of the year is a very powerful time psychically on the planet, especially in those cultures that this tradition is a part of.

It's a time when many of those subconscious beliefs, subconscious things that are in that that black box, are shaken up and come out. It's also time when love is very powerful, at this time of the year. It's a time when many emotions become very powerful.

But it is also time when those deeper, what are sometimes called 'shadow', aspects arrive as well. For example, there's a very strong belief that when family get together for Christmas, people start fighting, right? And the get-togethers may turn out quite negative in some ways. And that's because of how all of these things, all these different emotions, all of these positive and what people consider negative things are being stirred up at this particular time.

This particular time is seen as a transition -- that transition from days getting shorter and darker to days getting brighter. It's the transition from one calendar year to the next calendar year. And so a lot of these things are stirred up and may create challenges.

Now, as I said, each person is a universe into themselves. So the way to deal with those challenges is to consider them in that way, to not assign them to an individual outside of yourself, but basically to realize that this was part of your subconscious. At this point in time, your subconscious, your inner self, thought this was one of those things that should come up -- that it would be good to deal with that issue or challenge at this point in time.

Now when I talk about ‘deal with that’, the way reality works, the way everything works (not only the third dimension, but in all dimensions) is that everything is basically a fragment of All That Is. It's a fragment of Source. It's a fragment of God, if you want to use that word. The one thing that everything is connected to, its the oneness. Everything is a part of that.

In the beginning before anything existed there was All That Is. There was that oneness and there was nothing else because All That Is means "all that is". It was one thing. All That Is then had the first thoughts of "I am" and "I exist". But to have that thought, All That Is had to split itself in two -- it had to split itself to an into an "I" and into an "am". And that was this first split. That was the first fragmentation. That was the "big bang".

We are, not talking figuratively -- we are talking about reality. That was the start of the universe. And from that, fragmentation after fragmentation after fragmentation occurred, until you get to this third dimensional reality that you are experiencing now. Many entities in other dimensions consider the third dimension to be the ultimate reality in terms of fragmentation, in terms of differences.

Everything is different in this reality, pretty much. And the reason All That Is created that fragmentation, that difference, was to experience it, to experience difference, to experience something other than oneness, other than singularity, other than just being a single thing. To experience and to see how diverse can I get?, how diverse can I create everything that exists, all that is?

So fragmentation occurs. On the other hand, as fragmentation occurs, we also then want to integrate, we want to go back to All That Is. That is what the goals of yoga, of meditation, of religion, is -- to return, to bring those fragmentations back together.
Now you yourself, and Alan, and everybody, are actually made up of many different fragmentations, many different personalities. You are not just one personality. You are many different personalities. You can see that when you're trying to make a decision and you can't. It's hard to make a decision because one personality wants this, another personality wants that, and you're trying to figure out which personality am I going to please by choosing one over the other. And in the process the other personality feels dissed and feels upset.

So one of the goals in this particular reality, in fact in all realities, all entities have this goal, is trying to reintegrate back to oneness. And the way that is done is by finding a way to bring all those different personalities that make up you into harmony.

How do you make all of them happy? How can you satisfy their various desires their various needs?

There are many processes that that help people to do this. Meditation is one. Meditators sometimes talk about how it relieves stress. Well that stress is the conflicts that occur between these different personalities. Settling the mind in meditation calms the different desires that these different personalities have. That's one way of allowing for that that type of integration.

The more that an entity integrates itself, the closer it becomes connected to Source, to All That Is.

So, when one feels that they are facing a challenge, that challenge is something that needs to be integrated. It's a part of the personality that needs to feel comfortable, that needs to be embraced and accepted. That doesn't mean you have to react to the outside entity that you see as the source of that challenge. It basically means that you have to find a way to accept that it is pare of your personality -- that you created the challenge, and you need to find a space for it so that it feels comfortable within you, so that it feels accepted and is not something that is being rejected by you. And so in that sense, it is totally an internal process of accommodating the diversity of your being.

And that's true anytime something “negative” occurs in your life. It is because there is a part of your personality that is trying to express itself through that emotion. Finding a way to accommodate that personality, to make that part of you, that particular personality that's part of you, feel comfortable and feel safe within your total being is one of the goals of life. That's one of the things that you learn in this particular time-space reality life.

It is almost like being the leader of a government -- being the leader of your body personality. How do you make all those parts of you happy? -- [Actually,] it's not even "happy" -- How do you make them feel safe and comfortable within you?  And in fact, as you do that, as you are able to do that with especially the ones that really bother you, that is another way of integration, of returning back to that oneness, returning back to All That Is. It's another path to enlightenment, to awakening.


Awakening is knowing that everything that you experience is you. It's knowing that there's nothing outside of you. It's knowing that you are all that you experience -- you are all that is. In this sense 'All That Is' is all that you experience.

And accepting that, and being satisfied with that, and realizing that is the wonder of life, that is the amazing thing about this physical reality.

Because in the higher dimensions -- fourth dimension, fifth dimension, six dimension -- those kinds of extremes, those kinds of personalities that have disability challenges, for example, don't exist. You know in your dreams you can wish anything to happen and it will happen. That's the power you have in your dreams, and that's the fourth dimension and fifth dimension. And the higher dimensions are all like that. We can wish for anything we want.

We don't speak languages in those dimensions. We communicate instantly telepathically, so there is nothing to hide in those dimensions. We do have our challenges -- all of us are growing. In fact, you are constantly growing.

The end goal of enlightenment is returning back to All That Is, it just returning back to Source. But to get there is a very long process. And so even the entities in these higher dimensions are still developing that process, developing themselves, growing themselves, and trying and learning how to integrate. They have new challenges based on the laws of the different dimensions.

So that's really what awakening is, and what enlightenment is. Its realizing that nothing is bad, that everything has value, everything has purpose, everything has a significance, and accepting and allowing that, and integrating that, and appreciating that.


So with that, thank you for being here. I am Joshua. I am actually -- we are actually -- a group of guides, of different parts of Alan, who exist at a different dimension.

But we're all actually integrated. He's one of us as well. He is our experience of this physical time-space reality. We experience that through him because our reality, our dimension, is quite different. So we use his experiences to experience what this particular physical reality is about.

So, for the Joshua group, we thank you for being a participant in this, and we just want to say that we love you, and we love Alan, and we love your physical time-space reality, and all entities that exist within this time-space reality.

Goodbye for now.

Channeling #11, part 1 - How the Subconscious Mind Works

[Note: Below is the first part of my 11th channeling of my inner guides. This was the first one that I have done that was not by myself, but with my wife Mable as a witness and potential questioner. The entire channeling took 52 minutes. This is the first of a two part blog post.]


Hello Alan. And hello Mable. I am here. I am Joshua. And I'm very excited to be here in this first shared meeting that we're having, shared channeling of your higher, inner self – the self that's connected to the deeper reality of existence.

It's a little bit rough coming in right now because Alan's kind of nervous. But, we're confident that he'll be able to do this.

I guess, because this is a shared experience with someone else, we will start by being polite and asking if Mable has any questions for us. Mable?

Mable: Not yet.

Okay. Thank you.

Creating the Subconscious in Childhood

So, this is a different experience for Alan. Normally when we deliver a message, we are tapping into his self, his subconscious self, you could say. ‘Subconscious’ is an interesting idea. Basically, when we talk about subconscious, what's really going on is it is just that part of your mind, that part of your thoughts and beliefs, that you don't want to directly experience.

For something to be subconscious is actually an intentional decision by the person to make that belief, that thought, that knowledge, subconscious. Because, in reality, everything can be conscious to the individual in this third dimension reality that you have been born into and that you are experiencing in this life.

It is totally possible for any person to have total access to their subconscious. But they choose not to do that. And they choose not to do that for many reasons.

It starts in really early childhood, babyhood even, when the baby and the young child is taught by the parents -- and often this is totally unintentional, basically the parents are modeling this behavior -- that certain things are acceptable and certain things are not acceptable. Certain things are okay to acknowledge, certain experiences, certain aspects in this physical reality third-dimensional reality. It is socially okay to accept that those exist.

Whereas other things that are also very much a part of this third dimensional reality are suppressed and not allowed to be perceived. So, the young infant, the young child, learns what things are not allowed, what should not be acknowledged, and puts them into this this box of “subconscious” -- because that's the easiest way to deal with it.

We're reminded of that story you heard recently of a very young child seeing a man in her parent’s bedroom at night. Those kinds of experiences are very common with young children because they do see things that are really part of this third dimensional reality that most other people have suppressed and put into that subconscious box, thereby intentionally blinding themselves to those types of experiences.

And that's what the subconscious mostly is -- it's the blocking off of certain things because that's what those of you that have been born into this third dimensional reality have done. It's part of the entering process, the process of entering into and learning how to work in this third dimensional reality.

For the small child, this is all very intentional. They know that this is going to happen before they're born -- that they're going to go through this experience. In fact, they (and all beings in this third dimensional reality) choose to set themselves up when they're born because they want to learn something. They have a goal in mind in being born in this reality, and so they set up certain challenges for themselves.

They select the parents that they're going to have because they believe those parents are going to create a world for them, and even create a subconsciousness for them, that will align with what it is that they want to learn in this in this life experience, in this incarnation, we shall say. (For the time being, we shall assume that time is real. In fact, it is not real, but for this discussion, we'll just assume that time is something that really exists.)

Before the new person coming into this reality is born, they select their parents. And as part of that they're also selecting the context of the place and the challenges of that place, and the culture that they're going to come into -- all because they know this is going to create a possibility or probability for the kind of experience that they want to seek.

Now this all is probable because every entity in existence, whether part of the third dimensional reality or not, does have choice. They do have the freedom to choose the direction that they want to go in.

You're constantly given choices, given the option to choose one thing over another. This is something that that happens thousands of times a day. And that's true for everyone. So it is not possible to guarantee anything after one is born. You basically try to set it up as much as possible, to create the kinds of challenges that you want to experience in this particular life, and then you jump in and see how it goes.

And that whole period of coming into this existence basically starts with pre-birth and then lasts through early childhood. I know that some of the people that Alan listens to say it lasts about through ages seven or eight, or nine, and for some even ten, but somewhere in that range then, this subconsciousness, this boxing off of experiences, of what's allowed and what's not allowed, of taking in the attitudes, the genetic codes even, of the of the parents and of the place in which they're born [and raised], all of that coalesces. For some this happens earlier, for others later, but usually by ten one could say.

Maybe you could use the idea of puberty, perhaps, as the ultimate transition out of that particular phase of life. From then on, you're basically working with the issues that were set up at that time in one's life. The thought patterns that were created.

Now, it doesn't mean that you can't change those patterns. In fact, that's what most of life is about, is changing, is dealing with the particular issues that arose in those early years, and then seeking ways to address those issues. And that's what a lot of the exploration that begins in the teenage years, and then expands into the later years, and actually into the rest of your life, is all about.

But in those teenagers basically, it is a period of exploring one's individuality. Teenagers are known for taking risks and it's at time in which one is trying to feel out what are the limitations of what was created in the pre-teen years, in those years of very strong influences from parents. And also any other caregivers that are part of those years and who will also have that kind of an influence, as well as the place in which they grow up in.

That all comes together in those teenage years. And so, it is in those teenage years that they start feeling out what their boundaries are and how far can I go within those boundaries, within what they have set up for themselves in those earlier years.

Unfortunately, most of human culture, especially modern human culture, does not have a very good structure for doing that [for teenage explorations]. There's some awareness that something like that is going on, and there's some leeway for allowing those kinds of things, but in truly understanding how the subconscious and conscious divisions were created, that aspect is not understood at all.

And it's barely understood even in adulthood, as far as how psychologists and psychiatrists try to define and treat people for those hidden subconscious parts of their mind. There's an assumption in the psychological professions that these are inaccessible parts, that the subconscious is not something that the conscious mind can directly access.

We are here to say that's not true. It is accessible. And, in fact, [it is more accessible] as one progresses in expanding their energy levels, expanding their consciousness, expanding their self-awareness, through practices such as meditation (and yoga is a form of meditation), and through various types of spiritual practices, especially those practices that are geared towards opening up [and] that do not have a strong dogmatic preaching of what is right and what is wrong.

That is one of the problems with most organized religion. They are still defining what is right, what is wrong, what can be allowed into the mind on the conscious level, and what should be suppressed in the mind and pushed into that subconscious box.

Those kinds of traditions do have some value. There's no doubt that they can expand an individual's consciousness, especially if those individuals move beyond the dogma of the church religious hierarchy. There's quite a bit of potential in those in all religions for that. However, for the masses, they are kind of stuck in that model, although, again, that's not necessarily bad.

Developing consciousness by doing activities that open up the consciousness is actually opening up the subconscious mind and making those parts of the subconscious mind more accessible to the conscious mind. That gives a huge new level of personal power, personal empowerment, in this physical time-space third dimensional reality, to make this reality a better place for the individual person and for everyone around them, everyone who comes into contact with that person.

Now I want to step back. I mentioned earlier that it's not necessarily bad to not do this [to not expand one’s consciousness]. That is because the purpose of life is to experience diversity. It is for All That Is, or Source, to create diversity, and then to experience that diversity.

And so some people, in fact most people (especially in the past -- nowadays it is changing somewhat) do not have that particular drive to become more spiritually oriented, to move into greater integration with All That Is, with Source, with their soul. Most people are just living on that surface level of experiencing the good and the bad, and complaining about the bad and enjoying the good.

This is good. In fact, those extremes of emotion, those extremes of high enjoyment and high, or low, dis-enjoyment, of feeling bad and feeling good -- that's part of that diversity of life. Some people, when they're born into this life, into this existence, into this physical reality, that is their goal: to experience that difference to the max, to experience the highs and to experience the lows.

One of the ways to do that is actually to not engage in any kind of particular spiritual practice, or any kind of practice that's going to reveal the truth behind the highs and the lows, the truth from the perspective of Source or All That Is, the truth is that there really is no difference.

There is no difference between what is positive and what is negative. It is all just an experience. It is just an experience of the diversity of existence. But for some people that's the reason they came into this life -- to have that particular experience [or extremes]. And they'll go through this whole life with that. Maybe at the very end they might start thinking about some more spiritual things. But really, that [extreme experience] is fulfilling their dharma -- what their purpose is in this particular incarnation.

Now, usually that is something that a soul and its personality that is born into physical reality chooses for a particular purpose, for a particular incarnation. And most likely they're not going to do that with every incarnation that they have. In fact, when they've had something like that in one life, then it's very likely that the next incarnation that they have could be totally opposite -- it could be one that's highly focused on the spiritual and the reintegration of diversity with their inner oneness -- in order to balance things out.

Just as it's important to balance out being male and female across different lifetimes. Sometimes somebody will be will have a series of lifetimes (and again we're talking about time here as something that's real) in which they're male, in which case they then really need to have some female experiences, or vice versa. And so they will do that. Other people are more balanced as they go through these different incarnations.

When I started this [discussion], I was talking about how we are usually tapping into Alan's sort of subconscious and bringing this forward. In fact, most everything we've talked about so far is embedded somewhere within Alan's subconscious.

[See Part 2 for the rest of this channeling as it moved into other topics.]