[Note: Below is the first part of my 11th channeling of my inner guides. This was the first one that I have done that was not by myself, but with my wife Mable as a witness and potential questioner. The entire channeling took 52 minutes. This is the first of a two part blog post.]
Hello Alan. And hello Mable. I am here. I am
Joshua. And I'm very excited to be here in this first shared meeting that we're
having, shared channeling of your higher, inner self – the self that's
connected to the deeper reality of existence.
It's a little bit rough coming in right now
because Alan's kind of nervous. But, we're confident that he'll be able to do
I guess, because this is a shared experience
with someone else, we will start by being polite and asking if Mable has any
questions for us. Mable?
Mable: Not yet.
Okay. Thank you.
Creating the Subconscious in Childhood
So, this is a different experience for Alan.
Normally when we deliver a message, we are tapping into his self, his
subconscious self, you could say. ‘Subconscious’ is an interesting idea.
Basically, when we talk about subconscious, what's really going on is it is
just that part of your mind, that part of your thoughts and beliefs, that you
don't want to directly experience.
For something to be subconscious is actually
an intentional decision by the person to make that belief, that thought, that
knowledge, subconscious. Because, in reality, everything can be conscious to
the individual in this third dimension reality that you have been born into and
that you are experiencing in this life.
It is totally possible for any person to have
total access to their subconscious. But they choose not to do that. And they
choose not to do that for many reasons.
It starts in really early childhood, babyhood
even, when the baby and the young child is taught by the parents -- and often
this is totally unintentional, basically the parents are modeling this behavior
-- that certain things are acceptable and certain things are not acceptable.
Certain things are okay to acknowledge, certain experiences, certain aspects in
this physical reality third-dimensional reality. It is socially okay to accept
that those exist.
Whereas other things that are also very much
a part of this third dimensional reality are suppressed and not allowed to be
perceived. So, the young infant, the young child, learns what things are not
allowed, what should not be acknowledged, and puts them into this this box of
“subconscious” -- because that's the easiest way to deal with it.
We're reminded of that story you heard
recently of a very young child seeing a man in her parent’s bedroom at night.
Those kinds of experiences are very common with young children because they do
see things that are really part of this third dimensional reality that most
other people have suppressed and put into that subconscious box, thereby intentionally
blinding themselves to those types of experiences.
And that's what the subconscious mostly is --
it's the blocking off of certain things because that's what those of you that
have been born into this third dimensional reality have done. It's part of the entering
process, the process of entering into and learning how to work in this third
dimensional reality.
For the small child, this is all very
intentional. They know that this is going to happen before they're born -- that
they're going to go through this experience. In fact, they (and all beings in
this third dimensional reality) choose to set themselves up when they're born
because they want to learn something. They have a goal in mind in being born in
this reality, and so they set up certain challenges for themselves.
They select the parents that they're going to
have because they believe those parents are going to create a world for them, and
even create a subconsciousness for them, that will align with what it is that
they want to learn in this in this life experience, in this incarnation, we
shall say. (For the time being, we shall assume that time is real. In fact, it
is not real, but for this discussion, we'll just assume that time is something
that really exists.)
Before the new person coming into this
reality is born, they select their parents. And as part of that they're also
selecting the context of the place and the challenges of that place, and the
culture that they're going to come into -- all because they know this is going
to create a possibility or probability for the kind of experience that they
want to seek.
Now this all is probable because every entity
in existence, whether part of the third dimensional reality or not, does have
choice. They do have the freedom to choose the direction that they want to go
You're constantly given choices, given the
option to choose one thing over another. This is something that that happens
thousands of times a day. And that's true for everyone. So it is not possible
to guarantee anything after one is born. You basically try to set it up as much
as possible, to create the kinds of challenges that you want to experience in
this particular life, and then you jump in and see how it goes.
And that whole period of coming into this
existence basically starts with pre-birth and then lasts through early
childhood. I know that some of the people that Alan listens to say it lasts
about through ages seven or eight, or nine, and for some even ten, but
somewhere in that range then, this subconsciousness, this boxing off of
experiences, of what's allowed and what's not allowed, of taking in the
attitudes, the genetic codes even, of the of the parents and of the place in
which they're born [and raised], all of that coalesces. For some this happens earlier,
for others later, but usually by ten one could say.
Maybe you could use the idea of puberty,
perhaps, as the ultimate transition out of that particular phase of life. From
then on, you're basically working with the issues that were set up at that time
in one's life. The thought patterns that were created.
Now, it doesn't mean that you can't change
those patterns. In fact, that's what most of life is about, is changing, is dealing
with the particular issues that arose in those early years, and then seeking
ways to address those issues. And that's what a lot of the exploration that
begins in the teenage years, and then expands into the later years, and actually
into the rest of your life, is all about.
But in those teenagers basically, it is a
period of exploring one's individuality. Teenagers are known for taking risks
and it's at time in which one is trying to feel out what are the limitations of
what was created in the pre-teen years, in those years of very strong influences
from parents. And also any other caregivers that are part of those years and
who will also have that kind of an influence, as well as the place in which
they grow up in.
That all comes together in those teenage
years. And so, it is in those teenage years that they start feeling out what
their boundaries are and how far can I go within those boundaries, within what they
have set up for themselves in those earlier years.
Unfortunately, most of human culture,
especially modern human culture, does not have a very good structure for doing
that [for teenage explorations]. There's some awareness that something like
that is going on, and there's some leeway for allowing those kinds of things,
but in truly understanding how the subconscious and conscious divisions were
created, that aspect is not understood at all.
And it's barely understood even in adulthood,
as far as how psychologists and psychiatrists try to define and treat people
for those hidden subconscious parts of their mind. There's an assumption in the
psychological professions that these are inaccessible parts, that the
subconscious is not something that the conscious mind can directly access.
We are here to say that's not true. It is
accessible. And, in fact, [it is more accessible] as one progresses in
expanding their energy levels, expanding their consciousness, expanding their
self-awareness, through practices such as meditation (and yoga is a form of
meditation), and through various types of spiritual practices, especially those
practices that are geared towards opening up [and] that do not have a strong
dogmatic preaching of what is right and what is wrong.
That is one of the problems with most
organized religion. They are still defining what is right, what is wrong, what
can be allowed into the mind on the conscious level, and what should be
suppressed in the mind and pushed into that subconscious box.
Those kinds of traditions do have some value.
There's no doubt that they can expand an individual's consciousness, especially
if those individuals move beyond the dogma of the church religious hierarchy. There's
quite a bit of potential in those in all religions for that. However, for the
masses, they are kind of stuck in that model, although, again, that's not
necessarily bad.
Developing consciousness by doing activities
that open up the consciousness is actually opening up the subconscious mind and
making those parts of the subconscious mind more accessible to the conscious
mind. That gives a huge new level of personal power, personal empowerment, in
this physical time-space third dimensional reality, to make this reality a
better place for the individual person and for everyone around them, everyone
who comes into contact with that person.
Now I want to step back. I
mentioned earlier that it's not necessarily bad to not do this [to not
expand one’s consciousness]. That is because the purpose of life is to
experience diversity. It is for All That Is, or Source, to create diversity, and
then to experience that diversity.
And so some people, in fact most
people (especially in the past -- nowadays it is changing somewhat) do not have
that particular drive to become more spiritually oriented, to move into greater
integration with All That Is, with Source, with their soul. Most people are
just living on that surface level of experiencing the good and the bad, and
complaining about the bad and enjoying the good.
This is good. In fact, those
extremes of emotion, those extremes of high enjoyment and high, or low,
dis-enjoyment, of feeling bad and feeling good -- that's part of that diversity
of life. Some people, when they're born into this life, into this existence,
into this physical reality, that is their goal: to experience that difference
to the max, to experience the highs and to experience the lows.
One of the ways to do that is
actually to not engage in any kind of particular spiritual practice, or any
kind of practice that's going to reveal the truth behind the highs and the
lows, the truth from the perspective of Source or All That Is, the truth is
that there really is no difference.
There is no difference between
what is positive and what is negative. It is all just an experience. It is just
an experience of the diversity of existence. But for some people that's the
reason they came into this life -- to have that particular experience [or
extremes]. And they'll go through this whole life with that. Maybe at the very
end they might start thinking about some more spiritual things. But really, that
[extreme experience] is fulfilling their dharma -- what their purpose is in
this particular incarnation.
Now, usually that is something
that a soul and its personality that is born into physical reality chooses for
a particular purpose, for a particular incarnation. And most likely they're not
going to do that with every incarnation that they have. In fact, when they've
had something like that in one life, then it's very likely that the next
incarnation that they have could be totally opposite -- it could be one that's
highly focused on the spiritual and the reintegration of diversity with their
inner oneness -- in order to balance things out.
Just as it's important to balance
out being male and female across different lifetimes. Sometimes somebody will
be will have a series of lifetimes (and again we're talking about time here as
something that's real) in which they're male, in which case they then really
need to have some female experiences, or vice versa. And so they will do that.
Other people are more balanced as they go through these different incarnations.
When I started this [discussion],
I was talking about how we are usually tapping into Alan's sort of subconscious
and bringing this forward. In fact, most everything we've talked about so far
is embedded somewhere within Alan's subconscious.
[See Part 2 for the rest of this channeling as it moved into other topics.]
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