[The second half of this
channeling from Joshua was mostly personal information, although the following edited excerpts from that is of more general application.]
Dealing with Challenges that Arise, especially at Christmas
I [Joshua] said previously [in part 1] about how some
people are on a spiritual awakening path and that's part of the reason they
came into this particular existence, whereas there are other people who are not
really on that particular path. In this particular incarnation that they're
experiencing they have a different role that they have chosen for themselves.
They have a role in which they want to experience the extremes of existence.
And again, this is perfectly fine. There are many other reasons, motivations,
that drive how people select what they bring into a particular life.
Now, one of the more complex of
those is an illness or disability. People are born and they bring with them --
and they make this decision before they're born -- a disability because there
is something that they want to do with that, because they have a role to play
[in which that is part of their identity].
Nothing in this physical reality
happens by accident. Everything has a purpose. It may be very difficult to see
that purpose at times, and it may be a struggle as that purpose works its way
out, but everything has that kind of a purpose.
Every person is basically their
own universe their own existence. The meanings of any kind of interpersonal interactions
for any one of the individuals involved is something that is very much a part
of that one individual's existence. It [the meaning] may be assigned to other
people, or to other objects. However, it really does not come from those other
objects, those other people.
The experience is that of the
individual who is having the experience. You and Alan are individuals and you
each have your own experience. At this point in time, the experiences you are
creating in the world are a direct reflection of something that you and Alan,
individually and separately, want to experience, to bring up. Sometimes it is to
create a challenge of some type -- and so you create challenges.
Part of the reason challenges
arise now has to do with this particular time of the year, this Christmas time
of the year. Christmas and the end of the year is a very powerful time
psychically on the planet, especially in those cultures that this tradition is
a part of.
It's a time when many of those
subconscious beliefs, subconscious things that are in that that black box, are
shaken up and come out. It's also time when love is very powerful, at this time
of the year. It's a time when many emotions become very powerful.
But it is also time when those
deeper, what are sometimes called 'shadow', aspects arrive as well. For example,
there's a very strong belief that when family get together for Christmas,
people start fighting, right? And the get-togethers may turn out quite negative
in some ways. And that's because of how all of these things, all these
different emotions, all of these positive and what people consider negative
things are being stirred up at this particular time.
This particular time is seen as a
transition -- that transition from days getting shorter and darker to days
getting brighter. It's the transition from one calendar year to the next
calendar year. And so a lot of these things are stirred up and may create
Now, as I said, each person is a
universe into themselves. So the way to deal with those challenges is to
consider them in that way, to not assign them to an individual outside of
yourself, but basically to realize that this was part of your subconscious. At
this point in time, your subconscious, your inner self, thought this was one of
those things that should come up -- that it would be good to deal with that issue
or challenge at this point in time.
Now when I talk about ‘deal with
that’, the way reality works, the way everything works (not only the third
dimension, but in all dimensions) is that everything is basically a fragment of
All That Is. It's a fragment of Source. It's a fragment of God, if you want to
use that word. The one thing that everything is connected to, its the oneness.
Everything is a part of that.
In the beginning before anything
existed there was All That Is. There was that oneness and there was nothing
else because All That Is means "all that is". It was one thing. All
That Is then had the first thoughts of "I am" and "I
exist". But to have that thought, All That Is had to split itself in two
-- it had to split itself to an into an "I" and into an
"am". And that was this first split. That was the first
fragmentation. That was the "big bang".
We are, not talking figuratively
-- we are talking about reality. That was the start of the universe. And from
that, fragmentation after fragmentation after fragmentation occurred, until you
get to this third dimensional reality that you are experiencing now. Many
entities in other dimensions consider the third dimension to be the ultimate
reality in terms of fragmentation, in terms of differences.
Everything is different in this
reality, pretty much. And the reason All That Is created that fragmentation,
that difference, was to experience it, to experience difference, to experience
something other than oneness, other than singularity, other than just being a
single thing. To experience and to see how diverse can I get?, how diverse can
I create everything that exists, all that is?
So fragmentation occurs. On the
other hand, as fragmentation occurs, we also then want to integrate, we want to
go back to All That Is. That is what the goals of yoga, of meditation, of
religion, is -- to return, to bring those fragmentations back together.
Now you yourself, and Alan, and everybody, are
actually made up of many different fragmentations, many different
personalities. You are not just one personality. You are many different
personalities. You can see that when you're trying to make a decision and you
can't. It's hard to make a decision because one personality wants this, another
personality wants that, and you're trying to figure out which personality am I
going to please by choosing one over the other. And in the process the other
personality feels dissed and feels upset.
So one of the goals in this particular
reality, in fact in all realities, all entities have this goal, is trying to
reintegrate back to oneness. And the way that is done is by finding a way to bring
all those different personalities that make up you into harmony.
How do you make all of them happy? How can
you satisfy their various desires their various needs?
There are many processes that that help
people to do this. Meditation is one. Meditators sometimes talk about how it relieves
stress. Well that stress is the conflicts that occur between these different
personalities. Settling the mind in meditation calms the different desires that
these different personalities have. That's one way of allowing for that that
type of integration.
The more that an entity integrates itself,
the closer it becomes connected to Source, to All That Is.
So, when one feels that they are facing a
challenge, that challenge is something that needs to be integrated. It's a part
of the personality that needs to feel comfortable, that needs to be embraced
and accepted. That doesn't mean you have to react to the outside entity that
you see as the source of that challenge. It basically means that you have to
find a way to accept that it is pare of your personality -- that you created
the challenge, and you need to find a space for it so that it feels comfortable
within you, so that it feels accepted and is not something that is being
rejected by you. And so in that sense, it is totally an internal process of
accommodating the diversity of your being.
And that's true anytime something “negative”
occurs in your life. It is because there is a part of your personality that is
trying to express itself through that emotion. Finding a way to accommodate
that personality, to make that part of you, that particular personality that's
part of you, feel comfortable and feel safe within your total being is one of
the goals of life. That's one of the things that you learn in this particular time-space
reality life.
It is almost like being the leader of a
government -- being the leader of your body personality. How do you make all
those parts of you happy? -- [Actually,] it's not even "happy" -- How
do you make them feel safe and comfortable within you? And in fact, as you do that, as you are able
to do that with especially the ones that really bother you, that is another way
of integration, of returning back to that oneness, returning back to All That
Is. It's another path to enlightenment, to awakening.
Awakening is knowing that
everything that you experience is you. It's knowing that there's nothing
outside of you. It's knowing that you are all that you experience -- you are all that is. In this sense 'All That Is' is all that you experience.
And accepting that, and being satisfied with
that, and realizing that is the wonder of life, that is the amazing
thing about this physical reality.
Because in the higher dimensions -- fourth
dimension, fifth dimension, six dimension -- those kinds of extremes, those
kinds of personalities that have disability challenges, for example, don't
exist. You know in your dreams you can wish anything to happen and it will
happen. That's the power you have in your dreams, and that's the fourth
dimension and fifth dimension. And the higher dimensions are all like that. We
can wish for anything we want.
We don't speak languages in those dimensions.
We communicate instantly telepathically, so there is nothing to hide in those
dimensions. We do have our challenges -- all of us are growing. In fact, you
are constantly growing.
The end goal of enlightenment is returning
back to All That Is, it just returning back to Source. But to get there is a
very long process. And so even the entities in these higher dimensions are
still developing that process, developing themselves, growing themselves, and
trying and learning how to integrate. They have new challenges based on the
laws of the different dimensions.
So that's really what awakening is, and what
enlightenment is. Its realizing that nothing is bad, that everything has value,
everything has purpose, everything has a significance, and accepting and
allowing that, and integrating that, and appreciating that.
So with that, thank you for being here. I am
Joshua. I am actually -- we are actually -- a group of guides, of different
parts of Alan, who exist at a different dimension.
But we're all actually integrated. He's one
of us as well. He is our experience of this physical time-space reality. We
experience that through him because our reality, our dimension, is quite
different. So we use his experiences to experience what this particular
physical reality is about.
So, for the Joshua group, we thank you for being
a participant in this, and we just want to say that we love you, and we love
Alan, and we love your physical time-space reality, and all entities that exist
within this time-space reality.
Goodbye for now.